Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 90: Dublin

Yeah, I haven't finished posting about London yet. I still need to talk about all the sightseeing I did, but that post might be a while in coming because there are just so many photos I need to edit. So, in the meantime, I'll fill you in on some more immediate news.

I'm in Dublin!

Kayla and I arrived here yesterday afternoon, and we've already seen and done so much stuff. We're staying with my cousin, Marie, who just so happened to move to Dublin within days of my move to St. Andrews. Kayla and I spent the day touring while Marie worked, then tonight we went out to an Irish pub and enjoyed some fantastic live music.

So far, I don't think that Dublin will make it on my list of favourite cities, but I do love the Irishness. The accents are fantastic, the music is great, and the people are so friendly. I really hope I get to tour around the countryside at some point so I can get a taste of rural Dublin.

I ought to mention: there is a Tim Horton's in Dublin, which I was so eager to visit (for anyone who's not Canadian, Tim Horton's is the best coffee shop of life. All Canadians are addicted to it). However,  Tim's here is not the same as back in Canada. I had a cappuccino and, while it wasn't bad, it wasn't the familiar flavour from back home. So disappointing...

Anyways, it's nearly 3am, and we've got another busy day ahead of us tomorrow. I'll post in much greater detail at some point, likely once I have a few pictures. For now... goodnight!

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